Acne Scar Removal

Acne scars are a common skin condition resulting from inflamed blemishes that can vary significantly in type and severity. While acne scars are generally harmless, they can present aesthetic concerns for many individuals.

At Beautiful Eyes, LLC, we offer a range of effective acne scar treatment options that can be used to treat everything from mild to severe acne scarring. Some of our services include Secret™ PRO RF microneedling, Pixel Laser treatments, chemical peels, and dermal fillers. These treatments cater to various skin types, offering tailored solutions for individuals seeking acne scar reduction.

What Causes Acne Scarring?

Acne scarring is often caused by larger, inflammatory blemishes such as cystic and nodular acne. These forms of acne affect deeper layers of the skin, leading to more noticeable blemishes. 

As part of the natural healing process, the body produces collagen – a structural protein that lends strength and firmness to the skin. However, this healing process isn’t always perfect. If the skin produces too little collagen, depressions or pits form, resulting in atrophic scars. Too much collagen production can result in raised scars, although this is rare with acne blemishes.

Common types of acne scarring include:

  • Boxcar scars: These are wide, rectangular depressions with defined edges.
  • Ice pick scars: These are small, deep, triangular pits often caused by cysts or papules.
  • Rolling scars: These are wide depressions that give the skin a more wave-like appearance.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation isn’t a true scar but can be a common consequence of acne. It occurs when the skin overproduces melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, in response to inflammation, resulting in dark spots or patches.

Our Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Secret™ PRO

Secret PRO is a multi-technology platform that offers some of the most comprehensive acne scar removal results. This platform combines fractional CO2 laser resurfacing with radiofrequency microneedling to treat several different layers of skin at once. This treatment can be completely customized according to the needs of your skin. 

Fractional CO2 laser technology ablates small portions of the top layers of skin to help stimulate new tissue growth and collagen production. RF microneedling can build on these benefits. Using tiny needles equipped with radiofrequency energy, the device creates microchannels in the skin and promotes skin tightening, encouraging healthy skin regeneration through the use of RF energy. 

Pixel Laser Treatments

Pixel Laser treatment is a precise, non-invasive treatment that can target and treat acne scars effectively. This treatment employs a method known as fractional laser resurfacing, where microscopic wounds are created on the skin’s surface using a laser. This deliberate injury triggers the skin’s natural healing process, leading to the production of new, healthy skin cells that replace the scarred tissue and reduce hyperpigmentation.

During the acne scar removal process, special eye protection is provided to shield your eyes from the laser. A topical physician-grade anesthetic is applied to the skin to minimize discomfort. Although you may experience a mild burning sensation during the treatment, this is normal and generally well tolerated. We often recommend a treatment course of three sessions, which we will schedule a month or more apart. This will give your skin time to heal and rejuvenate between each treatment. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be used to address a wide variety of skin concerns, including acne scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. At our clinic, we use the Illuminize Peel®, the Rejuvenize Peel®, and the Vitalize Peel® to refresh and rejuvenate the complexion of our patients. During a chemical peel, a solution is used to gently remove the outer layers of skin, revealing healthier skin underneath and reducing the appearance of imperfections. Chemical peels may be suitable for mild to severe skin concerns with the advice and recommendation of your physician.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can be another acne scar treatment option. This non-invasive treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid products beneath the skin to fill in depressed areas such as those caused by atrophic acne scars. This can result in a smoother skin surface and a visible reduction in the appearance of scars. While this treatment provides temporary correction, it may be a good choice for deeper scars that are more resistant to other treatments.

  • JUVÉDERM®: JUVÉDERM is a line of dermal fillers that contains hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps to add volume and hydration. JUVÉDERM is known for its long-lasting results and can be a good choice for scar therapy.
  • BELOTERO BALANCE®: This filler is also a hyaluronic acid treatment, offering a natural-looking result. Belotero Balance integrates seamlessly into your skin and is often used for treating fine lines and wrinkles. It can also be used off-label for superficial acne scars.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

If you have acne scars, one of the most important steps in the process is your consultation. Because there are many different types of acne scar therapy, we will need to examine your skin, get a medical history, and discuss the goals that you have for treatment. Once we do this, we can recommend a treatment or a combination of treatments that can provide the results you are looking for. 

Acne Scar Removal Services for Smoother Skin

If past breakouts have resulted in acne scars, we are here to help at Beautiful Eyes, LLC. Our range of personalized scar therapy treatments in Wichita, KS harness the latest advancements to restore the smoothness and evenness to your skin. You can begin the process of acne scar healing by calling (316) 669-4311 or by filling out an online form.