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Are Kybella Treatments Permanent?

Perhaps you’ve always had a little extra fullness beneath the chin, or maybe you’ve developed a double chin as you’ve aged. Wouldn’t it be great if you could erase that unwanted fat? An injectable treatment called Kybella offered by ICT Eye in Wichita, KS can do just that. Kybella treatments are brief, minimally invasive, and, best of all, offer long-lasting results.

Are Kybella Treatments Permanent?

Kybella is the only cosmetic injectable that has FDA approval for the treatment of submental fullness, which is the medical term for a double chin. This treatment is direct and effective, and it offers results that are usually permanent. These injections contain deoxycholic acid, which destroys fat cells beneath the skin. Your body will then break those fat cells down and absorb them, gradually revealing a slimmer and more defined chin.

This treatment destroys under-chin fat cells once and for all, so you’ll never have to worry about them coming back. You won’t have to schedule follow-up maintenance treatments, but remaining at a healthy weight with the help of diet and exercise will help preserve the new contours of your chin.

How Quickly Will I See Improvement?

You’ll start to notice slimming and additional contour in your chin area about a month after your first treatment. Depending on your facial anatomy and the amount of submental fullness you have, we may recommend as many as six treatments, each of which may involve a series of injections. Appointments should be scheduled one month apart. The maximum number of Kybella treatments any patient can schedule is six.

What Is the Treatment Like?

Kybella treatments are straightforward. We’ll ask that you arrive at our practice with clean skin that is free of makeup at the injection site. We’ll numb your skin and make some light marks where the injections will be performed. The injections will only take a few minutes to perform, and you’ll have the option of getting right back to your normal activities afterward.

The deoxycholic acid in these injections is a synthetic version of an acid found naturally in the body. This means your body will recognize the substance and you are unlikely to experience any side effects or allergic reactions.

What Should I Do After My Treatment?

During the first couple of days after your treatment, you’ll be asked not to massage the treatment area or engage in heavy exercise. We may also ask you to restrict the consumption of alcohol or sodium. After those first few days, drinking plenty of water and staying active are both steps you can take to speed the body’s process of breaking down those destroyed fat cells and disposing of them.

Am I a Candidate for Kybella Treatments?

You’re Frustrated With the Look of Your Chin

Do you have a stubborn fullness beneath your chin that won’t budge, no matter how much you diet and work out? Is it taking a toll on your appearance, perhaps by making you look older? Many of our Kybella patients have struggled with submental fullness for years and are ready to get rid of it once and for all. If this sounds like you, you might be a good candidate!

You’ve Finished Growing

We don’t usually perform this treatment on teens or children because their bodies are still growing and changing, and it’s possible any submental fullness they are struggling with will resolve itself. In addition, our bodies continue to produce new fat cells up until we hit our twenties, so it’s possible a teenager could receive the treatment and still develop additional under-chin fullness later. That’s why the best candidates are usually adults.

You Have a Healthy BMI

The ideal candidate is at or near their target weight and is not currently trying to shed pounds. Excess weight can contribute to submental fullness, so if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to wait and see if your weight loss resolves the problem. But if you have a healthy BMI and are still struggling with under-chin fullness, you may be a candidate.

Your Overall Health Is Good

This treatment is minimally invasive and doesn’t involve anesthesia, so the health requirements are low. Most adults without severe medical conditions should be eligible, but this treatment isn’t suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You Don’t Have Loose Skin

Sometimes what we think is submental fullness is loose, excess skin that’s giving the illusion of a double chin. This treatment is only effective on unwanted fat, so we’ll evaluate your chin and offer a diagnosis before proceeding with treatment.

You Can Wait for Your Results

This treatment offers amazing results, but it takes time for them to develop. If you have a big event coming up, like a wedding or a reunion, be sure to reach out to us well in advance. You’ll want to allow a few weeks after your treatment for your results to develop, and you should also consider the possibility that you may need more than one treatment. This treatment requires patience, but the results are worth the wait!

What Causes Submental Fullness?


Lifestyle choices, including the diet we consume and the degree of activity we pursue, can lead to weight gain and submental fullness. Eating conscientiously and exercising regularly won’t completely prevent submental fullness, but they can help. Maintaining good posture is also a good idea. Poor posture can sometimes weaken the neck and chin muscles, creating laxity.


In many cases, patients are genetically predisposed to submental fullness. The good news is that this treatment is especially effective on patients who are genetically predisposed to this condition.


Submental fullness frequently develops as our bodies age and our skin begins to loosen. Patients sometimes put on a little extra weight as part of the aging process, which can also contribute to submental fullness.

Answering Your Questions

Is There Anything I Can Do on My Own To Resolve Submental Fullness?

There is no shortage of firming creams aimed at tightening up the under-chin area, but submental fullness can be particularly difficult to get rid of on your own. Losing a little weight and adhering to a healthy lifestyle can help, but many patients find that they need help in resolving this condition. That’s why Kybella is such a popular treatment.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

The under-chin area is the only part of the body this cosmetic injectable has received FDA clearance for. It is not known if this treatment is safe and effective when used elsewhere on the body.

What Is the Success Rate of This Treatment?

Studies have shown that more than 68 percent of patients who were treated with Kybella saw a decline in the amount of fat beneath the chin.

What Do These Injections Feel Like?

The numbing cream we use before your treatment ensures that this is a comfortable experience. You may feel a series of quick pricks as we perform the injections, but there will be no discomfort. These treatments are nothing to worry about.

What Is the Best Age for This Treatment?

Patients who are in their twenties and thirties often see excellent results with this treatment because their youthful skin easily adapts to the new shape of the chin. But older patients also make great candidates. There is no perfect age at which this treatment should be performed. If you’re interested in exploring whether or not Kybella is for you, schedule a consultation at our practice and we’ll talk with you about whether or not you’re a good candidate.

Is This Treatment Suitable for Men?

Yes. Kybella can reduce submental fullness in male patients and give them a stronger and better-defined jawline. This treatment is equally effective in male and female patients.

Can I Combine Kybella Treatments With Botox?

Our practice offers both Kybella and Botox, the injectable wrinkle-buster, and many patients find that the two treatments complement each other. Kybella can also be administered to patients who have received dermal fillers, which our practice also offers. We can provide a recommendation to you regarding the timing of these various injections.

A Slimmer, More Sculpted Chin Is Just a Phone Call Away

Can you imagine what it would be like if you never had to worry about submental fullness again? Kybella can permanently get rid of extra fullness beneath the chin, giving you a more youthful, slimmer profile. What are you waiting for? Call ICT Eye in Wichita, KS, and schedule your initial consultation today!

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