Blepharoplasty in Wichita, KS

If you have drooping eyelids, bags under your eyes, or other concerns regarding this part of your face, you may be considering blepharoplasty surgery. At ICT Eye in Wichita, KS, we specialize in treating this delicate area and have performed many surgeries to restore and rejuvenate our patients’ eyelids. 

With our surgeries, we always perform a detailed evaluation of your unique facial structure and eyelid anatomy to determine the most effective strategy for your case. We focus on achieving natural-looking results that complement your overall facial harmony. By addressing the specific areas of concern, we can provide improvements that are both subtle and impactful.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical intervention that rectifies imperfections of the eyelids, including loose skin, excessive fatty deposits, or wrinkles that lead to an aged or fatigued look. This procedure not only focuses on enhancing aesthetic appearance but also can contribute to improving visual fields for those whose eyelid issues obstruct their vision. At ICT Eye, we execute this delicate operation with an emphasis on natural outcomes so post-surgical results can blend seamlessly with your inherent facial features.

Different Types of Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty surgeries typically fall into two categories: upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery. Upper eyelid surgery is primarily conducted to remove excess skin and fat that create a drooping effect, which can impair vision and contribute to a look of tiredness. Lower eyelid surgery targets the removal or redistribution of under-eye bags, reducing puffiness and dark circles and revitalizing the lower eye region. Each type of surgery addresses specific areas and concerns, offering a refreshed and more alert appearance while maintaining the integrity of your natural eyelid structure.

What Does Blepharoplasty Address?

  • Sagging or Loose Skin: Often manifesting as an overhanging eyelid fold, sagging or loose skin can contribute to a tired or aged appearance. Eyelid surgery corrects this by carefully removing the excess skin for a smoother, more youthful eyelid contour.
  • Fatty Deposits: These are typically seen as puffiness in the eyelids and are addressed through eye lift surgery. By removing or repositioning these fat pockets, the surgery provides a more refined and alert appearance.
  • Bags Under the Eyes: A common issue that many face, these bags can make one appear worn out even after a good night’s sleep. Eyelid rejuvenation and eye bag removal techniques are designed to reduce this puffiness and extra skin and restore a more rested and vibrant look to the eye area.
  • Drooping Lower Eyelids: Drooping lids can reveal the white below the iris and can make eyes look round or wide and sometimes tired. Through blepharoplasty, we can tighten the lower eyelid, reinstating its natural shape and position for a more balanced and harmonious look.
  • Excess Skin and Fine Wrinkles: The presence of extra skin and creases can age the face significantly. An eyelid lift targets these imperfections by removing surplus skin and softening lines, which can rejuvenate the entire facial expression.
  • Vision Impairment: When eyelid issues extend beyond cosmetic concerns and begin affecting sight, eye lift procedures become functional necessities. By eliminating the drooping skin that hinders peripheral vision, this surgery can significantly improve one’s field of view.

A Step-By-Step Walkthrough of Your Blepharoplasty

After your consultation, we schedule the surgery, where you will be under careful observation. During the procedure, precise incisions are made to remove or reposition fat and trim excess skin, focusing on enhancing your eye’s natural shape and addressing concerns like puffiness or drooping. These incisions are made in discreet locations where they will be virtually invisible after healing. After the surgery, we provide detailed aftercare instructions to support your recovery for a smooth healing process.

Blepharoplasty Before and After

Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharoplasty

Who Is a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

If your vision is impaired by your eyelids, you may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty. Both younger and older patients can benefit from this surgery since it can treat signs of aging and pre-existing concerns. Patients should be in good health and not be smokers since this can inhibit effective healing.

How Long Is Recovery After Blepharoplasty?

Recovery time after an eye lift surgery varies among patients but the initial healing period typically spans one to two weeks. Post-surgery can include swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually improve with proper care and rest. It’s essential to adhere to your surgeon’s recovery plan, including avoiding strenuous activities and following guidelines for eye care, to facilitate a smoother healing journey.

How Long Will My Blepharoplasty Results Last?

Results from an eye lift can be enduring, with many patients enjoying the benefits for years. While the procedure provides a more rested and youthful appearance, it does not stop the natural aging process. To maintain the effects, adopting a consistent facial care regimen and protecting the skin from sun exposure are recommended practices.

Is Blepharoplasty Covered By Insurance?

Coverage for blepharoplasty under insurance depends on whether the procedure is for cosmetic or medical reasons. If your vision is obstructed due to sagging skin, the surgery may qualify as a medical necessity and could be eligible for insurance coverage. Before scheduling your procedure, it’s advisable to check with your insurance provider for the specifics of your policy and obtain any necessary pre-approvals.

Will I Have Scars From My Blepharoplasty?

While all surgeries result in some form of scarring, the scarring from an eyelid lift is typically minimal and strategically placed in areas where they are least visible, such as the natural creases of the eyelids. As the healing process continues, these scars are likely to fade and become even less noticeable. Following your surgeon’s advice on wound care and avoiding direct sun exposure can help minimize scarring and aid in the healing process.

Rejuvenate and Refresh Your Appearance With Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is an effective surgery that can resolve many concerns that you may have about your eyelids. If you want to learn more about how we can treat your eye bags or drooping eyelids, we would love to hear from you at ICT Eye. Contact us and schedule a consultation today by calling (316) 425-9925 or reaching out online