Dry Eye | iLux Eye Treatment

Do you need relief from dry eyes? If you find it difficult to relieve eye dryness, you may have a condition in the glands that lubricate the eyes. iLux® is a treatment that is performed to eliminate eye dryness caused by dysfunction in the glands that lubricate the eyes. Read on to know more about iLux dry eye treatment.

At ICT Eye in Wichita, KS, we are proud to offer safe and effective solutions to provide relief from eye dryness. To get all the facts about iLux® and whether or not it is right for you, contact our office today and set up a consultation!

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Patients with dry eyes may experience itchiness, redness, watery eyes, and blurred vision. Dryness of the eyes can make wearing contacts difficult and make driving at night dangerous. Aging, trauma, environmental factors, and medical conditions can cause dryness in the eyes. Thus, you should consider having ilux dry eye treatment.

One of these medical conditions is MGD, or meibomian gland dysfunction. The meibomian glands lubricate the eyes with numerous glands that produce oils on the upper and lower eyelids. MGD is an abnormality that causes the glands to produce insufficient oils, allowing tears to evaporate quickly and drying the eyes out. The symptoms of MGD are often similar to other dryness issues, MGD patients may also exhibit inflammation of the glands and thick mucus secreting from the glands. MGD produces a significant number of eye dryness conditions that must be treated by a qualified professional like Dr. Burgoyne.

What Is iLux®?

iLux® is a device developed by Tear Film Innovations and cleared by the FDA for the treatment of MGD without surgery. The device is handheld and used by a professional to apply the right amount of heat and compression to treat MGD quickly and effectively. Light energy from the device is used to soften blockages in the meibomian glands while it applies heat and compression. Dr. Burgoyne has a range of control over the treatment area and has access to temperature monitoring to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety. There were a handful of positive ilux dry eye treatment reviews from the other patients.

Benefits of iLux Dry Eye Treatment

iLux® offers patients a non-surgical solution to MGD and dryness of the eyes. Each treatment session is conducted in the comfort of our Wichita, KS office. Patients who have been diagnosed with MGD stand to benefit from this treatment. For the best results, patients with MGD should seek treatment early to avoid damage and atrophy to the glands. It’s important to note that results vary from patient to patient.

Talk to the Professionals

If you are suffering from red eyes, dryness, and discomfort, you may be affected by meibomian gland dysfunction. Come to ICT Eye in Wichita, KS for a diagnosis and consultation on MGD and the available treatment options, including iLux®. We want to help you quickly relieve dryness in your eyes with the right treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!