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How Many Kybella treatments Are Needed?

Feeling confident about your appearance means feeling confident about every part of your appearance – including the area under your chin. The problem, however, is that many people grow self-conscious about their appearance when unwanted submental fat creates the appearance of a double chin. Fortunately, the aesthetic experts at ICT Eye in Wichita, KS know that Kybella treatments can reduce unwanted fat and help you feel confident again.

So, what do you need to know about this treatment? Kybella is a revolutionary injectable treatment and is currently the only injectable treatment approved by the FDA to reduce unwanted fat beneath the chin. Kybella is made with deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring acid in the body that is associated with breaking down fat to use as energy. Although new research is being conducted to assess how effective Kybella is for other areas of the body, the main purpose of treatment is to eliminate a double chin.

How Many Kybella Treatments Are Needed?

The number of Kybella treatments you will need will depend on the amount of submental fat you have. In general, most people will require at least three treatments to achieve optimal results. Three treatments are usually enough to eliminate the majority of fat cells beneath the chin, which will take several weeks. It’s typical to attend at least one additional appointment to assess the progress of your results and determine if you need any more treatments to achieve your desired goals.

Why Might Some People Need More Treatments?

Some people may require additional treatments. For example, those who have an exceptional amount of submental fat beneath the chin may require additional injections to destroy fat cells. Some people with moderate submental fat may need additional treatments because their fat cells are resistant to the treatment.

However, it should be noted that the outer limit of treatments you can receive is six. If you require more than six treatments, then it may be necessary to consider different treatment options, including surgical options. We will determine the number of Kybella treatments you will need to refine and slim your appearance.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Frequently Should You Have Kybella Treatments?

Your Kybella appointments will be spaced about four to six weeks apart. This frequency gives your body enough time to break down unwanted fat cells with the synthetic deoxycholic acid injection. Sometimes we determine your treatment frequency based on the speed of your progress; those who are seeing results more quickly do well with monthly treatments until optimal results are reached.

2. How Soon Does This Treatment Start Working?

Most people will start to notice the results of this treatment within as little as two sessions or 12 weeks, whichever is sooner. For a non-surgical and minimally-invasive treatment, the speed of the results of this injectable is impressive. The majority of patients using this treatment can see a significant drop in submental fat within two to three months on average.

If you only have a moderate amount of submental fat, you may notice results a bit sooner; those who have pronounced submental fat may require additional time to see any results of the treatment. The gradual nature of your treatment process is one of the reasons why this treatment produces natural-looking results.

3. How Long Do Results Last?

The results of this treatment are designed to last for several years: sometimes even as long as a lifetime. This is because fat cells are unlike any other cells in our body. While most cells, including skin cells, are capable of regenerating, fat cells that are destroyed can never come back. In fact, the only reason why fat seems to “grow” is that fat cells are exceptionally elastic and can expand to store more fat in the body.

Kybella treatments truly destroy fat cells with the deoxycholic acid solution. Fat cells that are destroyed by this injectable are naturally removed from the body through normal metabolism. And because the majority of fat cells exposed to this treatment are destroyed, the results of the treatment can last for a long time.

4. How Can You Maintain Your Results?

While the results of this treatment are supposed to be permanent, there is always the possibility that some fat cells beneath the chin will remain after your treatment. If there are any remaining fat cells, then they will be capable of storing more fat which can potentially undo the results of your treatment. For that reason, it’s a good idea to seek ways you can maintain your results and avoid any future development of submental fat. Some methods include:

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is the best way to maintain your results. A healthy lifestyle consists of eating a balanced diet low in processed foods, sugar, and sodium. By avoiding these foods, you can avoid your natural metabolism from storing fat from your food. You should also drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day since water helps filter out fat and sugar from the blood and makes it more difficult for your body to store fat.

An active lifestyle consists of getting enough exercise each week. The best exercise for maintaining your results is cardiovascular exercise, which is essentially any aerobic or anaerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate to over 140 to 150. Maintaining a high heart rate for at least 30 minutes a day is the best way to keep your metabolism active and limit your body’s ability to store fat. Some exercises include speed walking, jogging, running, dancing, cycling, swimming, or jump-roping.

Moderate Alcohol Intake

Moderating your alcohol intake is another way you can maintain your results. Alcohol converts to sugar in the body, which is then stored as fat if it isn’t burned off. The less alcohol you drink, the less you will be able to store extra fat in the body.

Reconsider Medications

Some medications have side-effects that are associated with weight gain. If you believe one of your medications is causing weight gain, then you should speak with your physician and consider alternative medications or other things you can do to limit any weight gain.

5. What Causes Submental Fat?

Fat beneath the chin, or submental fat, is a unique type of fat in the body and has a variety of contributing factors. For example, medications can be a significant cause of submental fat and weight gain. Other causes of submental fat include:


Genetics is probably the leading cause of developing submental fat. Most people who have a double chin will have close blood relatives who also have a double chin. This is because the way your body stores fat is determined by your DNA, including where your body prefers to store fat. Genetic factors are one of the reasons why slim people may be prone to developing a double chin.

Weight Gain

Weight gain is another common cause of developing submental fat. Significant weight gain happens when your body is storing more calories than you burn. Weight gain can be associated with poor lifestyle choices and medical conditions, such as diabetes or obesity.


Pregnancy is another common cause of submental fat. This is because hormonal changes during pregnancy alter the metabolism of the body, which can make it easier to store excess fat. Women who gain weight during pregnancy are more likely to develop unwanted submental fat along with fat in other areas of the body.

6. Does a Double Chin Mean You Are Overweight?

No, having a double chin does not automatically mean you are overweight. While there is certainly a link between weight gain and submental fat, the fact of the matter is that submental fat is present in most people to some degree. Many people who are athletic or slim may have fuller faces and double chins simply because of genetic factors.

7. Can a Double Chin Go Away on Its Own?

Yes and no. Sometimes, leading an active and healthy lifestyle, including losing weight, can shrink the size of a double chin. This is particularly true for people who seek to lose a significant amount of weight, which may mean that the face and neck will slim down over time.

However, not all double chins go away or shrink because of changes in diet or exercise. For many people, once a double chin puts down roots, it’s there to stay. Some double chins remain even when significant amounts of weight have been lost or changes in medication have been made. If you have tried to use natural methods to make reduce a double chin and those methods have not worked, then it’s unlikely your double chin will disappear without aesthetic intervention.

8. Is This Treatment Safe?

Yes, Kybella is a very safe treatment. Kybella has been approved by the FDA for several years, which means it has passed rigorous testing and clinical trials to be deemed a safe treatment for the majority of people who will use it. This treatment is considered safe largely because deoxycholic acid is a natural chemical in the body; even in synthetic form, deoxycholic acid poses little to no risk of negative side effects.

9. Why Should You Consider Kybella?

There are a few reasons why you may want to consider Kybella treatments. Beyond the fact that this treatment is non-surgical, minimally-invasive, and involves very little downtime, other benefits may include the long-lasting and natural-looking results of the treatment. Another significant benefit is the fact that this treatment is safe for virtually all people, regardless of age or gender.

This treatment can be completed within six months and produce fast results, sometimes as fast as two months. Kybella is also an ideal treatment for those who have a mild to moderate amount of submental fat, although those with severe double chins may also be eligible for treatment.

10. Who Are Good Candidates?

Most people with submental fat or double chins are good candidates for this treatment. The best candidates for Kybella include adults over the age of 18, women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, and those who are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the injection. We can fully determine your candidacy for this treatment during a consultation appointment.

Start Your Treatments Today

Imagine getting rid of your double chin in as little as three treatments. Kybella is a one-of-a-kind treatment that can reduce moderate amounts of submental fat for most people. If you think this treatment is a good match for your aesthetic goals, please contact ICT Eye in Wichita, KS to schedule your consultation today.

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