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Is Blepharoplasty a Permanent Fix?

Is excess eyelid skin giving you a tired, aged appearance? Would you like to turn back the clock by tightening up the skin on your eyelids? Blepharoplasty, a type of eyelid surgery offered by ICT Eye in Wichita, KS, can smooth and firm eyelid skin, freshening up your appearance with results that will last for years.

Is Blepharoplasty a Permanent Fix?

Eyelid surgery offers long-lasting results that are usually permanent, particularly when performed on the lower lids. We can perform surgery to tighten the lower lids, the upper lids, or even both eyelids. Improvements made to the upper eyelids usually last seven years or more, while improvements made to the lower lids last a lifetime.

Although your skin will continue to naturally age and evolve after this treatment, patients usually see long-lasting results without the need for touch-up surgeries.

What Type of Issues Can This Treatment Address?

This treatment removes excess skin and tissue, restoring the definition of the eye area. It can be performed to get rid of under-eye bags and tighten and lift lids that have begun to sag. This treatment can also tone and recontour the eyelids to achieve a more youthful, rested appearance. And for some patients, eyelid surgery can even restore vision that has been impeded by sagging skin.

When Will I See My Results?

You’ll notice an improvement in the appearance of your eyelids immediately after this treatment, with your full results developing in about six weeks.

What Happens During Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient treatment that is performed with anesthesia. If you’re having the upper lids addressed, we’ll make a tiny incision in the fold behind your eye and use it to remove the extra skin and tissue contributing to sagging. If you’re having your lower lids addressed, we’ll make the incision along the lower lash line.

This treatment can usually be performed in an hour or two, and most patients head home afterward and spend roughly a week resting. As you’re recovering, we’ll ask you to refrain from vigorous exercise and wearing contact lenses. It’s also a good idea to sleep with your head elevated and limit your screen time as you recover.

What Advantages Are Associated With This Treatment?

It Gives You a Healthier, More Alert Appearance

The excess skin that sometimes develops on the eyelids as we age can give the eyes a tired, droopy look. Tightening up those puffy lids and lifting them back to their natural position can help you appear healthier, more rested, and more alert. This treatment can also enhance the look of your eyes by making it easier for light to reach them.

It Won’t Leave Visible Scars

The incisions we make while performing this treatment will be tiny and tucked into the natural contours of the eye. That means you won’t have to worry about visible scarring.

If Delivers Natural Results

This treatment can refresh your appearance by tightening up sagging, lined skin and restoring contours, but it won’t alter the natural symmetry of your eye or give you someone else’s eyes. Your results will appear completely natural. You’ll simply look like a younger version of yourself!

It Can Restore Your Line of Sight

You probably aren’t even aware that you’re squinting and struggling to see out from beneath heavy, puffy eyelids. But patients who undergo this treatment are sometimes surprised by just how well they can see afterward.

It Might Also Give You a Smoother Brow

If you’re squinting to see around flagging eyelids, you may also be struggling with creases across your forehead. Once blepharoplasty opens up their line of vision, many patients notice that their forehead begins to smooth.

It Will Make Cosmetics More Effective and Easier To Apply

By better defining your eyelids, this treatment can also make it easier to effectively apply cosmetics. And the cosmetics you use will be more effective.

It Can Clear Up Non-Verbal Miscommunication

Do you sometimes appear frustrated, sad, or upset, even if you aren’t? The eyes play an important role in non-verbal communication, and heavy lids can send the wrong message about how we’re feeling. Eyelid surgery can clear up those mixed signals and improve your non-verbal communication.

It Will Renew Your Confidence

This treatment can help you feel great about yourself again. Heavy eyelids can be frustrating because they often make us look older than we really are. Wouldn’t it be great to renew your appearance and feel proud of the way you look? Eyelid surgery can help you feel confident in your own skin.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

The best candidates are ready to take action to improve the look of their eyes. They’re also in good overall health and have no significant eye conditions. It helps if you’re a nonsmoker, or are able to stop smoking for a couple of weeks before this surgery because ceasing smoking and other forms of nicotine use can improve your recovery and your outcome.

Patients should also understand what this treatment involves and have reasonable expectations about the type of improvement it offers.

What Causes Excess Eyelid Skin?

The skin on your eyelids and around the eyes is very thin, which makes it susceptible to fatigue from all the facial expressions we make each day. Think about all the times you blink, yawn, laugh, and frown each day. All of that activity takes a toll on the delicate area around the eyes, causing the skin to stretch and sag over time. As we age, collagen levels also begin to naturally decline, leaving the skin less elastic.

In addition to aging skin, some patients seek out this treatment because they are genetically predisposed to puffy eyelids. If you’ve had naturally heavy eyelids all of your life and want to get rid of them, this treatment can help.

Do Any Over-the-Counter Remedies Work?

Although there is no shortage of wrinkle creams on the market, it’s difficult for patients to completely prevent signs of aging skin on their own. That’s why blepharoplasty, which noticeably revitalizes the look of the eye and offers long-lasting results, is such a popular option.

What Can I Do To Protect My Eyelids?

Keeping the skin around your eyes and eyelids healthy is a lot like keeping the rest of your skin in good shape. Protecting your skin from the sun with a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen is an important step. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is another good strategy. And a good at-home skincare regimen that involves high-quality exfoliators, serums, and moisturizers is essential.

Treatment Q&A

At What Age Should I Seek This Out?

Many patients develop excess eyelid skin as part of the aging process, so patients are often in their mid-forties or older. But we can also successfully perform this treatment on younger patients, particularly those who have inherited droopy eyelids and have struggled with them their entire life. If you’re interested in improving the look of your eyelids, schedule a consultation at our practice so that we can determine if this treatment is for you.

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover This?

If you’re undergoing this treatment for medical reasons, such as to restore obstructed vision, health insurance may cover this. If this treatment is being performed for cosmetic reasons, your health plan may not cover it. Most patients check with their insurers and have an understanding of whether or not this treatment is covered before scheduling it.

Is This Treatment for Men As Well as Women?

Yes. This treatment is routinely and successfully performed on patients of both genders. We take into account the natural differences in male and female facial features and customize each blepharoplasty for the individual being treated.

How Can I Tell If I Need My Upper or Lower Eyelids Treated?

Fortunately, you don’t have to decide this on your own. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids, but you’re unsure which set of lids needs to be addressed, we can evaluate your face and make a treatment recommendation.

Restoring the Look of Your Eyes Has Never Been Easier

If you’re ready to say goodbye to excess eyelid skin and achieve a more youthful appearance and clearer vision, blepharoplasty may be the solution. This form of eyelid surgery offers noticeable, long-lasting results. Are you wondering if you’re a candidate for this amazing treatment? Don’t wait any longer. Call ICT Eye in Wichita, KS, and book your consultation today!

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